Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Time to Say Farewell

Just a note to let everyone know that I'll be shutting this Blog down in the next couple of weeks. I intend to continue to Blog on a different site with a new name. Thanks again for everyone who checked in, read, and commented on the site.

NOW: Get yourself educated about the Candidates running for office in November and then turn out with 10 of your friends to Vote!!!!

Everyone needs to come out on November 2nd and send our elected officials a clear message that we do listen and we DO NOT forget!!!!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I want to take the time to sincerely thank each and every one of the many, many people who supported me through this campaign. A special thanks to Cindy, the love of my life, who worked so hard for my success.

I am humbled at the outpouring of support, encouragement and prayer. Everyone who helped has my sincerest thanks. I cannot express my gratitude enough.

Congrats to Christine and Glen. I wish the best of Luck to Jack.


Steve Rust

Thursday, September 9, 2010

James Madison, the fourth president, known as 'The Father of Our Constitution' made the
Following statement:

'We have staked the whole of all our political Institutions upon the capacity of mankind for Self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to The Ten Commandments of God.'

Take the TIme

Last week I was invited to speak at a 9-12 Patriots meeting in Bowers Beach. I was contacted later by a national news reporter asking what the big deal was with Cap and Trade Legislation. My comments made national news!!! Alright, a little blurb, but still Conservatives are making a stand and they are being recognized.

This was never more apparent than the Tea-Party Express presentation in Dover on 09/08. I was truly impressed with the Conservative message, the behavior of the crowds, and the Patriotism being displayed.

At the beginning of the American Revolution King George sent just a few British Troops to the Colonies to quell the revolt. Starting with Bunker Hill, the message was sent that America, when oppressed is a force to be reckoned with. Let's make this same demonstration with our votes on Tuesday. Get with your friends this weekend, take the time to learn about the candidates, and then take car loads of people with you to the polls to vote out those who want to go to Dover (or Washington) to further their career as a politician and those who have demonstrated they intend to reign over us rather than listen to us.

I'm reminded of a scene in the Spiderman movie where Uncle Ben lay dying on the sidewalk. He tells young Peter (Spiderman), "With great power comes great responsibility". You the voters have great power on Tuesday. Exercise it with great responsibility, send Steve Rust to take the 33rd District Seat from the Democrats in November 2010. The change in Dover starts in the 33rd!!!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Stay on Target

We're winding up the days until the September Primary. It's been a great experience although I have to admit I didn't know how hard campaigning was. I want to take the time to answer some questions that I get asked on the Campaign trail:

1. I am a Christian and believe that Salvation is a gift obtained by Faith and not by our deeds. Christ said that the greatest commandment was to love our neighbors and I believe this includes public service to and for my neighbors. Christ was the model of service to others and I am committed to taking these values to Dover.

2. I am a Republican running because I believe, like our founders, everyday people must get involved in government. Allowing career politicians to run our leadership at the State and Federal levels has not, and does not work. I am hoping that more people will get involved and we can start a movement back to fundamental principles like those of Thomas Jefferson who believed that Government should be small and not a burden on the citizens.

3. What sets me apart from my primary opponent is this: From the very first phone call to inquire about running, I have made this journey on my own. I am not backed by developers, lawyers, and other whom might be seeking a "payback" for their support. This is what is wrong in Dover now and we need a change.

4. I have the fortitude to go to Dover and stay out of the "Political Network". My pledge is to serve the residents of the 33rd District by placing their interests and welfare FIRST. I do not believe in serving my party first and I have committed not to vote for any bill which raises taxes on individuals or businesses. If I fail to uphold this commitment, I have told voters to vote me out in 2 years. I sincerely mean that!!

5. I am the candidate whom can win the seat from the Democrats in November. My primary opponent failed to do so in 2008 and has no significant change in his message or voting record which would cause 33rd residents to vote for him this time around.

Please come out on 09/14 and vote in the primary election for the candidate you feel will best serve you in Dover and who has the best chance of taking the seat from the Democratic majority in November. Every vote matters!!!

If you're interested in working phone lines or at the Polls on September 14th, please give me a call or an e-mail.

God Bless


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We served well over 100 people at the Georgia House and had a great time! I am truly and sincerely humbled at the support of my family, friends, and neighbors. I am blessed to know such great people. Thanks to everyone who made this event a huge success! Special thanks to Cindy, Cora, Kara, Ana, Stephen, Cody, Mandy, Miles, Pam, and all the other volunteers who worked so hard. Food was great! Fellowship was great! What more can I say. THANKS!!!

P.S. Remember to get out the vote on 09/14!!! Anyone interested in working the phones or at a polling place, please give me a call at 632-9881.

Thanks again!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Time is Drawing Near

A great couple of weeks have passed by in a flurry. Had a 16 hour day on August 1st making some of the bigger campaign signs. Thanks to my nephew Jason Raksnis ( A Talented Custom Cabinet Maker) and my Brother in law, David Downes, we were able to construct a bunch of signs at a fraction of the cost of purchasing new. This saved the campaign much needed funds to do some other important things prior to the September 14th Primary. This is what I will take to Dover, finding the least expensive method to provide necessary Government Service, what a novel idea!!!

Jason and I spent Sunday putting the signs up and I'm hoping many of you have seen them in your travels through the 33rd District. I have a few more left to post, and I will have the area pretty well covered. If you have a place in the 33rd for a 4'x2' sign, please let me know. I deliver and erect at no cost to you!!!!

Monday Night found us at the Sussex County GOP Meeting. We had alot of fun and they are a truly energized group of men and women! Judge Lee, Senator Simpson, Rep. Castle, Ruth Briggs-King, and others took an opportunity to speak to the group. I was also given the chance to introduce myself and tell what sets me apart from my primary candidate. I am truly humbled at the outpouring of support. Republicans are excited, and momentum continues to build!!

Tuesday found us at the Delaware Electric Coop Annual Meeting where we enjoyed a fantastic gathering and great food. Met alot of great people who are pumped to get things in Dover back to being sensible! Representative Dave Wilson shook more hands than I thought humanly possible!!! I have to wonder how long it takes for the feeling to return to his fingers. He is a well respected and highly regarded man. It was great standing nearing him and seeing the people who know him from either is public service or his auction. A great benefit was being able to introduce myself to many of his friends, neighbors and supporters as well as many who were just checking out the field of candidates. A great time and a great opportunity. Cindy and my youngest daughter Ana worked hard meeting and greeting people also. They are a blessing!

After the Co-op Meeting we went to Harrington and hung out at the Harrington Police Night Out. A great event, great weather and great people. Everyone had fun although I think Chief Barlow should have demonstrated his dancing skills on the stage. Wait a minute...... maybe not!

Be sure to get your ticket for the Steve Rust Campaign at the Georgia House Restaurant in Milford on 08/16 from 5:00-7:00. Tickets are $16.99 for Adults, $8.50 for children and they are available by calling 432-7405 or 222-3787. We need to hear from you so we can tell the Georgia House how many to expect. By the way, the price pays for the entire meal!!! The entree (choice of 4), side, drink and dessert are included in the price. Their Food is Great, and the candidate serving the food and mingling is not so bad either. Please come out and fellowship with us.

One Last Thing, Remember the Primary on September 14th. We're lining people up to work the polls and I need to get a group of about 50 people together. If you're available, please let us know and remember to get your family, friends and neighbors out to vote!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Busy 2 Weeks!

Cindy and I got out to the Delaware State Fair a few nights last week and it was great! We met some really hard working Delawareans everywhere we went. I also learned that cows are alot larger up close than they are when you pass by them in a field.

We had a great time working the GOP Booth and getting out to talk to people. Everyone we met is concerned with where our state is headed and how much taxes are going to be raised when the General Assembly goes back in session. Funny thing, people have come to expect their taxes to be raised on a regular basis over the past few years. That is not the way our Government was intended to run. We were never intended to fear our lawmakers and unfortunately, that is exactly what we do. We fear what they are going to take and we fear how it will impact our family budgets. We desperately need change!!!

I found myself walking side by side with Representative Walls whom currently holds the 33rd Seat. We had a great talk and I want to repeat, I have great respect for Representative Walls. He and I agree on many things and I told him I want to run my campaign in such a way that win or lose, he and I can sit down to coffee on November 3rd. I don't see myself running AGAINST Representative Walls personally, I am running to take the free spending Democratic majority out of power in Dover! Unfortunately, I need Representative Walls' seat to accomplish that task.

When we were not at the fair, we did some door knocking and put up some signs. If I haven't gotten to you with a sign yet, don't fret, I've got you on my list and I'll get there soon. Working full time and campaigning is much more difficult than I had anticipated but truthfully, it's a good experience and I wouldn't change a thing! I've met great people, shared some great conversations, and had a great time doing it. Praise God for Cindy who works twice as hard as me! She is the epitomy of the saying, "behind every good man there's a great woman".

August 3rd was the Milford Police Annual Night Out. I hope many of you got out to see the great men and women I work with and many of the services the department offers. Although I was working, it appeared a good time was had by all!

Don't forget August 16th, 5-7 at the Milford Georgia House. Tickets are selling fast and you need to get yours soon! Call Cora at (302) 430-7405. If you call me at (302) 632-9881 or e-mail me at, I will do my best to get tickets in your hands. Hope to see you out for a great time!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Georgia House Gathering August 16th

Please come out with your family to the Georgia House Restaurant on August 16th from 5:00 PM unttil 8 PM at the Beautiful Milford location. Meet Steve Rust and friends and enjoy great food and a great time. Tickets are on sale now at $16.99 each. We are encouraging everyone to purchase tickets in advance as there are a limited number available. For tickets contact me at or (302) 632-9881. You can also get tickets from Cindy at 0r (302) 222-3787 and Cora Downes at (302) 430-7405. Spread the word as this promises to be a great time for everyone. Remember, this is a family friendly event so bring the kids too!

Friday, July 23, 2010


I've been asked on the campaign trail HOW I would bring jobs to our area as your Representative. It makes sense to me that looking at a common object such as a vehicle, lets say a Ford F150. While Ford Motor Company places their logo on the vehicle as the manufacturer, there are many, many companies which make the nuts, bolts, washers, handles, knobs, and parts which are installed during the construction. Why not get on the phone with some of these businesses and simply ask, "what would it take to bring you to Delaware?". If we're truly committed, I believe we could reach some common ground with these companies and create incentives to bring them to Delaware, our area specifically. Small Business drives the National economy!!!

Recently at a Police Trade show in New Jersey I was involved in a conversation with a representative of a company that makes computer vehicle mounts. In our conversation we discussed the application of computers on police motorcycles and he related that the mounts are available, but there is an issue with getting an appropriate box constructed to hold the equipment and the computer. I told him of a friend who has a welding and fabrication business and that he would likely be interested in producing a box for their company. The representative was elated, saying that he could move 1,000 or so a year of things work out. These boxes retail for over $1500 each in the Police equipment market. I've got to think that constructing them to specs for production would net my friend $400-500 per box. Lets do the math, 500 multiplied by 1000=$500,000.00. Name a business that wouldn't like to add $500,000 to their income in 2010. How many good paying jobs can this create? How many other ways could this impact our local economy? And this was just a chance conversation!

What if all members of the House and Senate dedicated themselves to bringing 5 or 10 new businesses or employers to Delaware every year? Even if a few did it, in a short time we would have new employment and new business opportunities popping up everywhere. What a boost to our local economy that would create! We just have to be willing to do what it takes to bring them here and then overcome the urge to TAX and REGULATE them into oblivion after they get established and create jobs here.

It ain't Rocket Science!!!! It's exactly what my campaign motto says, "Public Service NOT Politics!"

By the way, my friend has agreed to build a prototype box and talk with the representative I met. With a little luck and a few prayers, this could turn into a great business opportunity and a great employment opportunity. If my friend has made any headway by November, I'll pass out his business address to some "Old School Politicians" leaving Dover. I've got good reason to believe that a number of them will be looking for work sometime around November 2nd!


The Crazy Days of Summer!

I stood sweat drenched in my drive way today and thought, gee, 5 months ago I was shoveling mountains of snow thinking how nice summer would be. Today I'm thinking that snow wasn't so bad!!!

Hope everyone is having a great summer. We went to Yoders last Friday for the Great Conservative Cookout. Governor George Allen, a Reagan Conservative, gave a great keynote speech and we got the opportunity to meet lots of great conservative folks.

Hope to see you at the Delaware State Fair this week. Look for the Steve Rust for Delaware 33rd Campaign staff and friends at the GOP booth Monday evening from 5:00 until 8:00. Come by, I'd love to meet you and get aquainted.

We have signs and T-Shirts which are going fast. If you'd like a yard sign, please fire me an e-mail. Those of you whom we met on the trail, we have your name down and will be delivering signs as soon as possible. If you have a location for a 4'x8' Sign, we will begin putting them up after the fair. Let me know of the location and we'll do our best to get a sign put up.

Thanks to everyone who has been gracious to us and helped out with the many, many jobs involved in campaigning. We have truly met some great Delawareans who share the same concerns that we do. Please give me a shout and pick up a T shirt to wear to the Fair or a Yard Sign. I really need everyone to pitch in and help me get the word out. Call 10 of your republican friends and make sure they VOTE in the Primary on September 14th. Then call 25 of your Republican Friends and make sure they VOTE for me on November 2nd. Together we'll do our part to return RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP to Dover!! Who knows, it might just catch on in the D.C. area as well!

God Bless


Monday, July 19, 2010

The Week in Review

WOW! Last week was a blur, but what an exciting run of events. We did some door knocking, attended Rep. Outten's (R-Harrington) announcement, held the Steve Rust for DE 33rd Kick-Off, and attended the Great Conservative Cookout at Yoders. More on the Yoders event in a future post. For now, here are some photos from my Kick-Off event at the beautiful Sunnybrae Mansion in Milford.

Here I am with Rep. Bobby Outten-R of Harrington.
Lynn McColley, pictured on the right, is the owner of Sunnybrae. He and his wife have done a fantastic job of remodeling the Mansion.
Skip Pikus, my long-time friend, said many kind words about my candidacy and encouraged people to get involved with the campaign.
Michelle Rollins made a surprise stop!
My lovely wife and our youngest daughter were there for encouragement and support!
Thanks to all of my family and friends who put my kick-off together. We enjoyed meeting people and answering questions, and I was told by one party insider, my campaign has gained credibility as my message gets out.

Please come see the Steve Rust for DE 33rd Campaign Staff at the Delaware State Fair on July 26th from 5:00-8:00 PM. If you don't catch me at the booth, look for me on the fair grounds.

One last thing, The "WHISPER" Campaign has started and you may have heard:
1. I am withdrawing to run for Kent County Sheriff

2. I am under investigation for Pornography on the State Computer (my work computer)

Let me assure you that neither is true, I am in the race for the Delaware 33rd, and I have never been, nor am I currently being investigated for any issue involving mis-use of the State Computer. ( Fear of losing an election is an amazing motivator!)

Get the word out that the Political Dirty Tricks of the past don't work anymore. We want something different in Dover in November, we want Steve Rust!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yoders Great Conservative Cookout

I want to cordially invite everyone to the Great Conservative Cookout at Yoders in Houston Friday night. Come out to see some great speakers, great entertainment, and great food.

This is a family friendly event so bring the kids too!!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

I'd like to hear from you!

Just a quick invitation to anyone who visits my Blog to leave a comment. I'd really like to hear from you regarding the issues and concerns you have. With that said, next week I'm holding a formal announcement at the beautiful Sunny Brae Mansion on NE Tenth Street, July 15, 6:00 PM until about 8:30. Please call me at (302) 632-9881 or e-mail me at for more information.

On the 16th we'll be at Yoder's Farm in Houston joining the Delaware Conservative Coalition for a good time. Come out to hear former Virginia Governor George Allen and Radio Talk Show Host Bill Colley (a nice guy!) along with a bunch of candidates and other friends. Cindy and I would love to see you there.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Let's Roll!

Just to update everyone following the campaign, I filed with the Election Commissioner to have my name placed on the ballot last Friday, June 25th. The Campaign is gearing up for the Primary on September 14th so I'm hoping you will do your part to get out the Vote! Voters who are not yet registered can register on-line or drop me an e-mail or phone call and I'll get a Voter Registration Card into your possession ASAP!!! Remember, if you're 17 now, but will be 18 by Election Day (November 2nd) you ARE ELIGIBLE to vote in the September Primary. If this is you, GET REGISTERED ASAP!

Things are going very well and I can feel the citizen's outrage at the deaf, dumb, and blind eye being directed toward the public by our current administration and leadership. This Election is one of the MOST IMPORTANT in years, so please do your part to get educated and lets send Common Sense Representation to Dover, and Washington for that matter. Enough with the "Gool 'Ol Boy" Politics of the past. Let's tell them we're fed up with the State House and State Senate becoming Career opportunities and used for personal advancement and agendas with no regard for the voice of the Citizens.

Remember the words of Jacob Broom, a Delaware Legislator and signer of the US Constitution. In a letter to his son Broom reported that he had recently sold a mill in Kent County and he was venturing into another Milling Industry. He told his son, "all this is nothing without economy, industry, and the blessing of Heaven". How refreshing it would be to have State and Federal Leaders who recognized how important a good economy, good jobs, and prayer is to the state of our local and national affairs!

If you need to contact me, a reminder that the Campaign Phone is (302) 632-9881, and if you are led to make a donation of any amount, please send it to:

Friends to Elect Steve Rust
P.O. Box 40
Lincoln, DE 19960

Thanks to all who have helped out in a variety of ways thus far A SPECIAL thanks to my Lovely Bride, Cindy for all of her hard work.

God Bless You and Yours!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Confirmation of Crazy!

I had the opportunity to sit down with Colin Bonini last evening and listen to him discuss some things going on in the State Senate. Most of our State leadership is certified, card carrying NUTS! Craziness Abounds in DOVER!!!!

Even though Delaware has been told that there is NO STIMULUS MONEY coming in 2010, our State Legislature continues to spend with the mindset of "Don't worry, we'll find the money to pay for it somewhere". How can anyone charged with representing the citizens of Delaware vote to spend money that doesn't exist? We simply don't have the income to sustain spending yet the Governor submits a budget that exceeds last years! (By the way, Stimulus Money balanced last years budget).
Senator Bonini made it clear that leadership in Dover has to make some very tough decisions in the near future or face catastrophe in the "not too far off". Senator Bonini seems to be one of the FEW responsible Legislators now in existence in Dover.

Almost half of every tax dollar goes toward State Employee salary and benefits. The State has become the largest employer in the State. This is NOT A GOOD THING!!! While great people work for the State, it is evident that there has been a failure to bring good paying jobs to Delaware over the last 20 years. In fact, just the opposite has happened, good employers have left the State and continue to leave the State for a better business environment elsewhere.

Delaware has one of the highest per-citizen expenditures of all 50 States. This has been created by the "Tax & Spend" mindset of our past and current leadership and has led to our becoming a literal "nanny state". Our current path is not sustainable!!! The solution which will be brought to the floor almost certainly AFTER THE ELECTIONS is to raise taxes! This will drive our state's near dead economy even closer to the brink of disaster.

Our founders believed that our country and our state should be the land of opportunity. The opportunity to succeed, not a guarantee of success. We need to enable the "American Dream", not finance it. Delaware is a great state, and was once a leader. Twenty years of limited foresight and undisciplined fiscal policy have led us to the brink of financial ruin. Most economists are predicting a "Double Dip" recession which will be deeper than what we have been laboring through. Common sense would say that we need to CUT spending, and hold off on ANY NEW spending until our economy begins to grow. By the way, Delaware's economy is stagnant as compared to a majority of the other states in the Country! We have seen literally no growth while many others are seeing their economies begin to grow.

Please do your part to put Delaware back on track! Do the research, get educated and send responsible citizens, NOT CAREER POLITICIANS to Dover in November and every November thereafter!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Reflections on July 4th

As we come upon the holiday weekend, many of us fail to give consideration to the true meaning of Independence Day. Our founders, soon after we gained our independence opined that the 4th of July should be held sacred.

John Adams, writing to his wife Abigail, shortly after the signing said that, "this day will be the most memorable epic in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by suceeding generations as the great anniversary festival".

Dr. Benjamin Rush wrote to John Adams remembering the silence in the hall as the signers placed their name on the Declaration, an act they knew would result in a warrant for their death being issued by King George.

John Hancock agreed to a plan to rid his hometown of the British which called for the destruction of the entire city. Hancock lived in a formidable mansion yet he agreed to it's destruction, and the loss of his personal wealth for the cause of Independence.

Benjamin Franklin started the rally cry of the Revolution, "Rebellion to Tyrants is obedience to God".

I trust you will take a moment and reflect on the many, many sacrifices made for our liberty. We should all be humbled at the price it has cost for us to grill steaks, head to the beach, get together with family and friends, in short, simply enjoy Freedom...... In that humility let's remember that there are thousands of soldiers home and abroad willing to pay that price without hesitation. Please join me in praying for our Country and our Military. Pray that God directs good men and women into leadership in Government this November and all the Novembers to come. We need more leaders with the character and integrity of our founders and the humility to recognize that God is ultimately in control.

May you and yours enjoy a truly Blessed 4th of July!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Update on the Campaign

Have had an opportunity to meet and talk with some great people during the campaign. I am really encouraged that people want to see change in leadership and they believe that I am the candidate that is not part of the "Good 'Ol Boy System". Just heard from Dan Short, the House Minority Whip and he is concerned about the attitude of spend, spend, spend, with no consideration for the budget deficit, the fact that stimulus funds are not forthcoming, and there is no thought on how Delaware will pay its bills. This is just the kind of thinking that I want to go to Dover and STOP DEAD IN ITS TRACKS!!!!

Thanks to all who have supported my campaign, I am humbled at the outpouring of support and encouragement. To those who have not made a contribution, there is a long way to go and any help you can give is greatly appreciated and will be used wisely!

In closing, just want to thank all of the Fathers out there and let us all take time to remember the Fathers whom are serving overseas with the Greatest Military the World has ever known! Thanks and Happy Fathers Day!!


Monday, June 14, 2010


I just read a news story about the Delaware House of Representatives considering a bill backed by the Governor which would pay for the School meals of ALL School children in Delaware.

The story added that "lawmakers said that if the bill passes, it would not take effect until $4 MILLION is found to pay for it."

Please tell me when was the last time you walked around and "FOUND" $4 Million?

Our Leadership simply doesn't get it!!!! WE ARE BROKE. We have had years of budget deficits, a deficit is predicted for this year, and WE ARE COMMITTING TO SPEND $4 MILLION!!!!!????? Who could run their house or business like this?

I think I'll call my mortgage company and tell them I've decided to buy a $2 Million Dollar house. Go ahead and get the paperwork started, tell the owners I'm committed to the deal, I just have to figure out where the money is. Oh, and tell them not to worry, if I don't have the money just laying around, I'll find somebody (the taxpaying citizen) to pay for it!!!

We have to change something and Democratic Leadership in the House and Senate seems like a GREAT place to start. Elect Steve Rust for the House of Representatives and take a step toward stopping this disrespect for tax paying citizens.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Just an update on the campaign. Things are moving along quickly. I've had a chance to meet some great people and speak with a couple of groups who seemed to align with my ideas. I'm hoping to pay the Delaware Election Commissioner next week and have my name "Formally" placed on the Ballot. We have some fundraisers in the planning stages and I hope all of you can take the time to come out for a great fellowship and some good food! A special thanks to ALL who have donated to my campaign, your generosity is appreciated and I offer my heartfelt thanks. Your support makes it easy to "Stay in the Fight" which is exactly what I plan to do.

Monday, June 7, 2010


I'm hoping everyone will take a moment of reflection today and remember the soldiers who invaded France on D-Day. Unfortunately, I just learned our President has no planned recognition of the anniversary. Please pray for the families and those who survived to tell the stories of the "Greatest Generation". Our debt to them can never be re-paid and, honestly, I don't think any of them would ask. God Bless our Veterans!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Appeared with Bill Colley on WGMD Tuesday afternoon. It was a great experience and I have received many great words of encouragement from those who heard my message (even 1 Democrat who said he wouldn't vote for me but would be happy if I got elected). Cindy and I went door to door later that evening and met with some people in my area. It was great and I have learned that the same things that bother me, also bother many, many others.

Please spread the word about the campaign and I've just added a Campaign phone number (302) 632-9881 for anyone who has a question, comment, or wants more information. This is truly a grass roots effort so I need anyone who agrees with me to get the word out and, more importantly, get the voters out!!

God Bless


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day is NOT Just the start of Summer

It's been a busy weekend and we drove to Dover to be with some family Sunday afternoon. The traffic was heavy and my youngest daughter was describing some traffic woes she encountered earlier in the day when she visitied Ocean City.

I hope our State and our Country never move away from taking a few minutes to remember those whom have fought and those whom have died in defense of our freedoms.

To ALL who have served our Country please accept the sincere thanks from Cindy and I for your service. Writing to a mother whom had lost multiple sons during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln referred to "the sacrifice laid upon the altar of freedom". Most of us will never fully realize the sacrifice our military and their families make to keep us the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

Thanks to All our Veterans and Troops this Memorial Day!

Steve and Cindy Rust

Friday, May 28, 2010

Our Youth and the Future

Just finished teaching over 20 young people a 3 Day Police Bicycle Course. It was great to see young people of various backgrounds and ethnicities pursuing a career in law enforcement. It resounded around the group however, they all fear finding jobs after college, and many who recently graduated are worried over paying back school loans.

I can't help but think that our Government Leadership is out of touch with the mainstream of Delaware. Especially lower Delaware. Where are the jobs we are being told are being created?

It's a sad day when 20 and 21 year olds have more fear of entering the working world than they do excitement and anticipation. It's even worse that they have spent thousands to equip themselves for their career and have anxiety over whether they can pay their debts, much less support themselves.

We need change. Not just a little, but a whole lot. We need everyday people to represent us in Dover and Washington DC. That's why my campaign slogan is "Dedicated to Public Service not Politics". I am one of the thousands of Delawareans who worry about the debt my children are accumulating. I get angry when I realize that our Government leaders are putting them deeper and deeper into debt with every fee and every tax hike that gets whizzed through. Enough is enough and it's time to freeze Government spending in Dover, talk to the tax payers and find out what their priorities are, and cut the excess. I am running for office to start the process and I want to be held accountable! I again ask you to research the candidates and choose the one who demonstrates common sense spending and accountability by government officials.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Raising Support For My Campaign

Just a reminder that as we get into June, the Primary is only 2 months out. I need to raise the funds to keep building momentum. If you are in any way able to help, please consider a donation:

Friends to Elect Steve Rust
P.O. Box 40
Lincoln, DE 19960

Any amount you can give will help send me to Dover in November. I want to thank everyone, especially my lovely wife and 3 kids for their support and encouragement

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tomorrow I will turn 47. I remember when I thought people didn't live to get that old!! Had a great evening with my kids, 2 of whom are home from Virginia to celebrate Cindy's birthday as well as mine. Looking forward to hitting the road with the Campaign. Planning on the first door knocking trip Monday!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday Cindy and I went to the Delaware Republican Convention In Rehoboth DE. It was a very interesting event as the heart and soul of the Delaware Republican Party converged to nominate the candidates to seek Federal elective office. I met some great people there, and received a great deal of encouragement and support for my campaign.

Seeing these men and women come together caused me to think:

When our Founders signed the Declaration of Independence, they pledged their life, fortunes and their sacred honor to the cause of Independence from Tyranny. By signing that document, they in essence signed a warrant for their own death. They knew the consequences, they knew what was right and just, and they did what they could for Liberty and for the Country that they believed in. Some died, many lost their fortunes and a few lost their honor.

What would our current leaders do today. They get elected to get fortunes, and the compromise their sacred honor in the process. Few, if any would lay down their life in the defense of liberty or freedom. Most would compromise or run away altogether. Does anyone see Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi leading a Calvary charge or Company of Marines into battle? We need new leadership now. I'm not saying I would be the greatest at leading either but I guarantee I would stand with my fellow soldiers and do the best that I could to accomplish victory.

Many are calling 2010 the year of the educated voter. Please take the time to get educated. Use the internet examine candidates, and ask questions. I invite everyone to google my opponents and also me. The names are Robert E. Walls, Harold E. "Jack" Peterman, and Steven W. Rust. If you put the word Delaware in the search box it narrows it quite a bit.

I also invite you to learn about the candidates families, speak with their friends and co-workers, and get educated.

I will proudly stand on my record of 24+ years as a police officer. I have been a SWAT Team member and I have led that TEAM as its commander. I have led a Shift of Patrol Officers and I have been a Patrol Officer, I have worked through complex criminal and narcotics investigations to which I have testified in Court and received convictions for dangerous criminals. I have brought professionalism to my department by instituting Community Policing, Bicycle Patrol, State of the art Accident Investigations, Training to become one of Delaware's top SWAT Teams,
and I continue to lead one of Delaware's finest law enforcement agencies. Through all this I have many times been faced with tough ethical and moral issues and I believe I have acted in the appropriate manner to resolve these issues in a ethical and professional manner. My kids will tell you that they have heard me say many times, "Do the right thing simply because it's the right thing to do". What this means to me is that it is far more important to act on ones convictions without regard for praise, criticism, personal gain, or loss. Just do what is right. I have tried to live by this statement personally and it has built me into the person I am today.

Please, ask my friends, family, co-workers, and associates what type of person that is. After you become educated, support the candidate whom you feel will represent you best. If you support me, I will ask that each and every time I run for office, use the same analysis regardless of the candidate. I believe you will learn that I am the best candidate now, and I will represent you by the same standard of doing what is right only because it is right. Not what is right for me personally, not what is right for my political party, and not what is right for my political career.

As Robert E. Lee departed Appomattox Courthouse after surrendering the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S. Grant, he rode amongst his men and declared "I have done for you, the best I could". I am committed that at the end of this adventure into political office I will be able to walk amongst those who supported me and those who didn't and honestly proclaim those very words.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I had a novel idea today. I drove down Maple Avenue in Milford and there are literally hundreds of State owned vehicles in the parking lot near God's Way Thrift Shop. They are all cars that are newer than mine, and probably yours too.

What if we purchased new Police cars for our Troopers every year and retired the ones with near 100,000 miles into service with other state employees. I don't know about you but I expect my car to run 150,00-200,000 miles and buying a new engine when needed is certainly cheaper than buying a new Dodge Caliber or Chrysler Mini-Van.

Obviously there will be some exceptions as we have a need for different vehicles in some State agencies but really, does every state employee have to drive a brand new car?

Having seen some of the older DSP cars, they are kept in great shape and would make great state employee cars.

Common sense says that we would give the new vehicles to our Troopers who respond to emergencies every day. My idea would keep new cars where they are needed most and stop the tradition of buying cars for every state agency under the sun!

But, come to think of it, common sense is exactly what is lacking in State Government these days.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Last Thursday was an awesome day! I filed my candidacy with the State Election Commissioner as an exploratory committee. This means I have to raise the funds to run a primary against another candidate and file for ballot status (get my name on the ballot) by late July. I am leaving my campaign finances to prayer and if it is to be, the funds will come. My lovely bride and I were introduced Thursday evening at the Kent County Republican Committee meeting. I received alot of encouragement and support. I also met a lot of people running in their Districts who are fed up with the high taxes and big government mindset of the party now in power. I have a meeting this week and the State Convention next weekend and I will begin to campaign full throttle! Please keep me in your prayers and if you wish to contribute, the campaign address is :

Friends to Elect Steve Rust
P.O. Box 40
Lincoln, DE 19960

Any amount you can give will help send me to Dover in November. I want to thank everyone, especially my lovely wife and 3 kids for their support and encouragement.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This is an amazing journey. About a year ago I thought about running for the Senate Seat in my District. I contacted my Senator who is running for State Treasurer and through a series of events only Providence could orchestrate, I am on the brink of running for the 33Therd Representative District.

The calls pledging support, prayers, and encouraging me to run have been tremendous. Stay tuned to my blog as an announcement is coming in the near future and then.....The Fun Begins!!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How do we do it?

Thomas Jefferson believed government should be insignificant in the lives of American citizens. It should be so small that citizens awaken every day and give little thought to the cost and function of Government.

Look at the news for 5 minutes. If the Federal Government is not spending Billions, the State Government is spending Millions, and Counties and Cities are spending hundreds of thousands or millions. Government costs money, there is no way around it! Responsible Government costs less! It will be a long, hard, arduous task, but we can return to the days when elected officials remembered each and every day that each dollar they spend comes from a tax payers wallet! This has been long forgotten by our Government and the tax payer is not respected except the few months before an election! After the election, BUSINESS AS USUAL! We can change this and return our leadership to being good stewards of the tax payer dollar. I know it sounds like a Disney movie, but elections have consequences and the consequences of decades of elections is a State that has spent way, way more than it takes in. Instead of cutting spending, the answer has always been, take a little bit more from the tax payer. We have to stop sending this mindset to Dover! I will promise now to vote NO to any new spending that requires raising taxes. We have enough income, we need to manage it better. With that said, here's one idea:

I believe we can promote business, employment and good stewardship of our beautiful counties at the same time. Offering a tax credit to businesses which hire and retain non-family employees each year would encourage growth and small business development. This tax credit does not affect the State budget as what we cut in business tax would be made up by employee income taxes. Employers claim the number of full time, non-family employees each year and if it goes up, their tax burden is reduced. If it doesn't, taxes remain the same.

I believe we can promote preservation of our beautiful countryside by encouraging business to develop sites where vacant buildings now stand. Working with local governments to provide incentives for businesses to expand into existing sites would preserve untouched land and provide new tenants for those vacant buildings which litter our towns and communities. Offering low interest loans, flexible terms, and encouraging towns and cities to create their own incentives for new business to renovate and renew rather than buy property and build would lower the consumption of our beautiful open spaces and farm land in Kent and Sussex Counties. Renovating existing businesses puts people to work. From the contractors all the way up. It also benefits our local communities and allows the addition of police officers, city services, and equipment purchases as tax revenues will increase as the business takes off. As a business grows, other businesses will want to move in promoting commercial and industrial growth which we can manage responsibly.

For those businesses that decide on new construction, we need less Government interference once the site is decided upon and approved. New construction should be cautiously encouraged in a manner that protects our open spaces and farm land but allows the development which brings jobs.

Ronald Reagan said it best when he declared that in his experience he found too often that Government was the problem, not the solution. We can elect leadership which will work with State leaders, County Leaders, and Municipal Leaders to make Delaware a great place to work, to live, and to visit.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Who is Steve Rust

I was born in Milford DE in 1963, the third child of William "Harvey" and Doris (Van Vorst) Rust. I grew up in or near Milford all of my life. My dad was a life long Democrat, working for the State of Delaware for over 30 years. My mom worked part time at a grocery store and for a time, tended a poultry farm for my uncle when I was very young. Thinking back, I can remember my parents having some pretty rough times financially but we always pulled through.

My mom died of cancer when I was 19. When she was diagnosed, I was one of those who told myself, people only die of cancer in other families! Two years later, my mom was dead and my dad was a widower. As families do, we stuck together and my brother, my sister and her family, along with my family pulled through. I remember my mom's faith as she awaited the inevitable. I think she knew from day 1 she would die, but she always reminded us that God was good and would take care of everything in one way or another.

I married the lovely Cindy Bell in 1983, and my son, Stephen was born 9 months later. Unfortunately, my mom died about 3 weeks before he was born. But as she said, God worked every thing out. Taking a dear life from us, and giving us a dear life in return.

Cindy and I had 2 more children and they're all grown up now. We recently celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary! (She deserves a medal) I have seen the hand of God in our marriage since day 1, and we are committed to living out a Godly marriage albeit we stumble from time to time. Me more often than her!!!

In 1985 I was hired by the Milford Police Department and have served there for nearly 25 years I have worked all the positions in the patrol division, served as a detective, and served as a narcotics investigator, including a brief time as a DEA Task Force Officer.

About 10 or so years ago, I began listening to Conservative Talk Radio and found that though I didn't agree with all the positions, I truly believe America is the best country in the World and I am in awe of our founders who pledged their fortunes and their sacred honor to win our freedom. I love history and thinking about the US Soldiers who stormed the beaches at Normandy and fought all the way to Germany brings a tear to my eye. I also choke up thinking about the brave Marines who stormed the beaches at Iwo Jima and fought relentlessly for their Country. I remember being proud when I learned that American Forces were bombing Iraq to free Kuwait from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein, and I am proud of the men and women currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all of the United States Military. This includes my son who served 6 years during war time in the United States Air Force!!

I decided to explore a run for office, not because I have personal differences with Representative Walls or Mr. Peterman. I have watched our State spend and spend and spend and then try to balance the budget by imposing new taxes and high fees. If you get a traffic citation in Delaware, $25 or so goes for the violation. An additional $35 or so is tacked on for fees to pay the bills our State leadership has racked up. When that didn't work, we cut the State employees pay! I was taught that we should be willing to pay a fair wage for hard work. This doesn't include taking it back because we can't say NO to reckless spending habits and special interests! Now our State Legislature seeks to balance the budget by building casinos and introducing gambling in our neighborhoods.

What happens when this money runs out? It will run out and probably very quickly. What will Pete Schwartzkopf and the Democrats seek to tax next? Will we raise gas taxes, income taxes, property taxes? Enough is enough!!! That is why I am exploring a candidacy. I will not give my approval to any NEW spending bills in the House of Representatives until we have taken a close look at every inch of State Government and cut spending. I believe that Republicans, Democrats, and Independents MUST work to reduce the tax liability of Delaware Residents and to do that the irresponsibile spending has to stop. Someone has to have the guts to say NO MORE!! I can and will do that if elected to the 33rd District.

In addition to cutting State spending, Delaware leadership in State Government must work with the Cities and Towns to bring good paying jobs to our State. Not just in New Castle County, but in Kent and Sussex Counties as well. We need to talk with business leaders and find out what it is they need from State Government and local government to expand their businesses and hire more Delawareans at fair wages. I look at Milford, where hundreds of beautiful homes and communities were built over the past 10 years. Many of these homes are now for sale due to the lack of meaningful employment opportunities which provide the means to pay the mortgage and raise families. There are businesses sitting vacant which, with some incentives provided by State and Local Governments, could house the next Microsoft! We need to start now or watch our State go the way of California! Passing out IOU's to employees and vendors.

I watched my mom and dad work through rough financial times. They did it by cutting back, saving, and working hard to get ahead. In my own family, when times were tight, we worked hard (sometimes 3 jobs), cut back, and pushed ourselves forward.

If I run, I will bring that determination to the 33rd District. The determination to cut back, work hard, and look for ways to bring prosperity through hard work! In other words, I will do what John F Kennedy asked before I was born, "Ask not what your Country (State) can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country (State).

In the weeks to come, there will be more forthcoming. I solicit your prayers and your encouragement. If things work out, I will work for your vote! Please let me know what you think, good or bad.

God Bless America and our State

Steve Rust