Monday, August 30, 2010

Stay on Target

We're winding up the days until the September Primary. It's been a great experience although I have to admit I didn't know how hard campaigning was. I want to take the time to answer some questions that I get asked on the Campaign trail:

1. I am a Christian and believe that Salvation is a gift obtained by Faith and not by our deeds. Christ said that the greatest commandment was to love our neighbors and I believe this includes public service to and for my neighbors. Christ was the model of service to others and I am committed to taking these values to Dover.

2. I am a Republican running because I believe, like our founders, everyday people must get involved in government. Allowing career politicians to run our leadership at the State and Federal levels has not, and does not work. I am hoping that more people will get involved and we can start a movement back to fundamental principles like those of Thomas Jefferson who believed that Government should be small and not a burden on the citizens.

3. What sets me apart from my primary opponent is this: From the very first phone call to inquire about running, I have made this journey on my own. I am not backed by developers, lawyers, and other whom might be seeking a "payback" for their support. This is what is wrong in Dover now and we need a change.

4. I have the fortitude to go to Dover and stay out of the "Political Network". My pledge is to serve the residents of the 33rd District by placing their interests and welfare FIRST. I do not believe in serving my party first and I have committed not to vote for any bill which raises taxes on individuals or businesses. If I fail to uphold this commitment, I have told voters to vote me out in 2 years. I sincerely mean that!!

5. I am the candidate whom can win the seat from the Democrats in November. My primary opponent failed to do so in 2008 and has no significant change in his message or voting record which would cause 33rd residents to vote for him this time around.

Please come out on 09/14 and vote in the primary election for the candidate you feel will best serve you in Dover and who has the best chance of taking the seat from the Democratic majority in November. Every vote matters!!!

If you're interested in working phone lines or at the Polls on September 14th, please give me a call or an e-mail.

God Bless


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