Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Time to Say Farewell

Just a note to let everyone know that I'll be shutting this Blog down in the next couple of weeks. I intend to continue to Blog on a different site with a new name. Thanks again for everyone who checked in, read, and commented on the site.

NOW: Get yourself educated about the Candidates running for office in November and then turn out with 10 of your friends to Vote!!!!

Everyone needs to come out on November 2nd and send our elected officials a clear message that we do listen and we DO NOT forget!!!!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I want to take the time to sincerely thank each and every one of the many, many people who supported me through this campaign. A special thanks to Cindy, the love of my life, who worked so hard for my success.

I am humbled at the outpouring of support, encouragement and prayer. Everyone who helped has my sincerest thanks. I cannot express my gratitude enough.

Congrats to Christine and Glen. I wish the best of Luck to Jack.


Steve Rust

Thursday, September 9, 2010

James Madison, the fourth president, known as 'The Father of Our Constitution' made the
Following statement:

'We have staked the whole of all our political Institutions upon the capacity of mankind for Self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to The Ten Commandments of God.'

Take the TIme

Last week I was invited to speak at a 9-12 Patriots meeting in Bowers Beach. I was contacted later by a national news reporter asking what the big deal was with Cap and Trade Legislation. My comments made national news!!! Alright, a little blurb, but still Conservatives are making a stand and they are being recognized.

This was never more apparent than the Tea-Party Express presentation in Dover on 09/08. I was truly impressed with the Conservative message, the behavior of the crowds, and the Patriotism being displayed.

At the beginning of the American Revolution King George sent just a few British Troops to the Colonies to quell the revolt. Starting with Bunker Hill, the message was sent that America, when oppressed is a force to be reckoned with. Let's make this same demonstration with our votes on Tuesday. Get with your friends this weekend, take the time to learn about the candidates, and then take car loads of people with you to the polls to vote out those who want to go to Dover (or Washington) to further their career as a politician and those who have demonstrated they intend to reign over us rather than listen to us.

I'm reminded of a scene in the Spiderman movie where Uncle Ben lay dying on the sidewalk. He tells young Peter (Spiderman), "With great power comes great responsibility". You the voters have great power on Tuesday. Exercise it with great responsibility, send Steve Rust to take the 33rd District Seat from the Democrats in November 2010. The change in Dover starts in the 33rd!!!!!